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Local research... with a global impact!

Projects Funded

Since its foundation in 1979, the FMO has funded hundreds of relevant and innovative projects that have contributed, over the medium and long term, to improved visual health services for the population as a whole. More than $40 million have been injected to maintain our vision and eye health. These precious dollars, collected with your help, have led to major advances in detecting and treating eye diseases and now enable a large majority of people, here and elsewhere, to enjoy healthy vision.


2021-2022 - Dr Solange Landreville

A research grant of $50,000 was awarded to Dr. Solange Landreville for her research project titled “Utilisation du criblage génétique CRISPR-Cas9 pour l'identification de cibles thérapeutiques: application aux tumeurs oculaires” [Use of CRISPR-Cas9 genetic screening for the identification of therapeutic targets: application to ocular tumors].


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2020-2021 - Dr Élodie Boisselier

A research grant of $20,000 was awarded to Dr. Élodie Boisselier for her research project “Vectorisation de médicaments anti-inflammatoires ophtalmiques” [Vectorization of ophthalmic anti-inflammatory drugs].

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2020-2021 - Prof. Rémy Allard

A research grant of $40,000 was awarded to Prof. Rémy Allard for his research project “Using motion sensitivity to detect early signs of age-related macular degeneration.”

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